Browse Items (84 total)

The auction sale pg. 174

brc 00522.jpg
Remaining pages not extant

CTP 00001_Bopha_1.tif
Displaying cover and cast and crew page

den pam 00104.tif
Displaying title page, list of 'Pioneer Women,' and descriptions of Rose Fortune, Mrs. Rosetta Amos Richardson, and Mrs. Carrie Best

Hill 00035.tif
Image selected from 'Women of vision : the story of the Canadian Negro Women's Association 1951-1976' by Lawrence Hill

K-10 000174_1.tif
Full digitized copy of issue no. 12

L-10 00091_1.tif
Includes editorials, reviews, and poetry. Also included copied poems by Amba Trott

M-10 00199_1.tif
Various covers of the publication from 1992 (the first year of publication)
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