Browse Items (1332 total)

Copy of a black and white photograph showing F. G. Banting. Inscription on bottom corner of photograph reads: 'To Dr Crane Very Sincerely, Banting. Dec 27/22'. Title based on content of photograph.

Selection of pages including illustration of "Charley" as a waiter

J.B. Collip. Letter to Dr. H.M. Tory, President, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Jan. 25, 1922. (Reproduced from the original in the H.M. Tory Papers in the University of Alberta Archives. 68-9-144)

Toronto General Hospital. Patient records for Leonard Thompson. Jan. 1921. (Reproduced from the originals held by The Toronto Hospital)

Photograph of Leonard Thompson in later life.

Memorandum in reference to the co-operation ofthe Connaught Antitoxin Laboratories in the researches of Dr. Banting, Mr. Best and Dr. Collip under the general direction of Professor J.J.R. Macleod to obtain an extract of pancreas having a specific…

Notice for a meeting held Feb. 7, 1922, at the Academy of Medicine in Toronto.

F.G. Banting and C.H. Best. “The effect of Pancreatic Extracts on blood sugar and urinary sugar on experimental diabetes.” Feb. 1922.

F.G. Banting and C.H. Best. ‘‘Pancreatic Extracts.” [Feb. 1922] Typescript.

F.G. Banting and C.H. Best. “Pancreatic Extracts.” Reprinted from the Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, vol. 7, no. 8 (May 1922).

F.G. Banting, C.H. Best, J.B. Collip, W.R. Campbell, and A.A. Fletcher. “Pancreatic Extracts in the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. Preliminary Report.” Reprinted from Canadian Medical Association Journal, 2, 141 (Mar. 1922).

Newspaper clipping: “Toronto Doctors on Track of Diabetes Cure.” Toronto Daily Star, Mar. 22, 1922.

Newspaper clipping: “.Have They Robbed Diabetes of its Terrors?” Toronto Daily Star, Mar. 22, 1922.
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